Callington - S-Weld Passivator Gel: Thickened Passivator Gel for Stainless Steel

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  • Regular price $95.00

Callington S-Weld Passivatorgelis a powerful oxidising gel for the passivation of stainless steel, duplex steel and Inconel alloys. S-Weld Passivator can be used following pickling, grinding or mechanical polishing of stainless steel to ensure a passive surface is obtained prior to installation or commissioning of the final product.

Size Ea.: 2.5Kg 

Directions For Use

1. The surface should be pre-cleaned to remove oils and greases before applying the passivating agent. Use Callington S-Weld Brite Wash.  Any contamination will shorten the life of the passivating gel.

2. Stir the gel to ensure a smooth consistency and apply S-Weld Passivator using the acid-resistant brush provided.

3. Application Times - Refer to TDS for application times

4. Rinse thoroughly with clean potable water, dry surfaces to prevent water staining (smut).  If a neutralizing agent has been used this must be followed by rinsing again with clean potable water and surfaces should be dried to prevent water staining.

Physical properties

Boiling Range:             N/A

Specific Gravity:          1.20

Water Solubility:          Miscible

pH (as supplied):         < 1.0

Appearance & Colour: Thick white translucent gel, mixes with water